About Us


Slay Your Look with Slayberry by Vishakha

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Welcome to Slayberry by Vishakha, your one-stop shop for unlocking your inner makeup maestro!

We are a Lucknow-based brand founded by makeup artist Vishakha, passionate about empowering everyone to embrace their unique beauty through the transformative power of makeup.

But makeup isn’t just about the final look; it’s about the foundation (literally!). At Slayberry, we believe in the importance of high-quality products that nourish your skin while enhancing your features.


Here’s what sets Slayberry apart:

  • Vishakha’s Expertise: Backed by Vishakha’s experience and artistry, Slayberry offers a curated selection of makeup essentials chosen for their quality and performance.

  • Focus on Healthy Skin: We believe makeup should complement your natural beauty, not mask it. That’s why we prioritize products that are gentle on your skin and promote a healthy glow.

  • Unlocking Your Slay Potential: Whether you’re a makeup novice or a seasoned pro, Slayberry offers the tools and knowledge to help you achieve your desired look.

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